Thursday, December 30, 2010

Which Zodiac Sign Are You Most Compatible With ?

Is it Virgo, is it Taurus, is it Gemini, is it Aquarius, is it Aries -------


You are most compatible with Libra. I'm sure most of your friends are Librans. Together you're gonna rock. They have elegance, charm and good taste, and are naturally kind, very gentle and lovers of beautyand harmony. Both in music and social living and the pleasures these bring. They have good critical sense and are able to stand back at look impartially at matters that call for impartial judgement to be made on them. Their characters are whole balanced, diplomatic and even tempered. Their love for pleasure may lead them to exrtravagaance. Librans love to impose a sense of order in their lives- everything must look perfect- appearances, clothing, possessions, home and environmentmust be scrupulously clean and tidy. To achieve balance in all aspects of life is their ultimate goal but somtimes things don't justify the end,

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